THG Tampa Bay Mission & Vision
Vision Statement:
A Christ-centered, Bible-believing and Spirit-led Church, passionate to
reach the lost and disciple believers by the power of the gospel. ( Rom1:16, Acts 4:12
& Luke 19:10 )
Mission Statement:
To glorify God through:
Passionate worship ( Jn 4:24 )
Study and preaching of the Word ( 2Tim 2:15, 2Tim 3:16, Col 3:16 )
Growth in grace, love and knowledge of the Lord ( 2Pet 3:18, 1Pet 1:22, 1Pet 4:8 )
Serving one another within the local body of Christ ( 1Tim 3:13, Luke 22:27b, 1 Cor 16:15b, 2Cor 9:12, Gal 6:9)
Sharing the gospel and ministering to the communities and beyond (Mat 28: 18-20, Phm 1:6 )